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The LifeStyle!

Get quality models, rides and accommodation | pubs. Easily access luxurious life with us!
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Get A Drink Mate

Never feel lonely again in a pub, request for a fake partner or drink mate from our quality and caring models

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The LifeStyle Hotspots

We have secure Hotspots for you. Simply book for a full house, for guest house, pubs and even restaurants

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The LifeStyle Rides

Request for luxurious rides around your city, you can either rent, hire or even do pick & drops just like uber

About App

We have all the classic models around the world

The lifestyle App allows its users to easily access luxurious life by allowing you to get models for your party, music video shoot, drink mates, fake partner etc.

Do you sometimes feel lonely at a club, pub or restaurant? Do you know there could be someone around you looking for fun that you don't know of?

Well if thats you, worry less, We introduce to you The LifeStyle, the future of dating and entertainment. The LifeStyle allows you request users around you for a dinner mate, lunch mate, drink mate, massage, fake partners and many more interesting requests. You delete or add your own services as well.

The LifeStyle is not just about hooking up but is also about providing quality accommodation, restaurants, pubs, clubs and quality & luxurious rides. This means after requesting for a model, you can also book for a hotspot where you can meet and if you don't have a ride you can also request or hire, rent a ride on our platform.

When it comes to safety, we require every profile to submit their selfies, ID / passport, proof of residence and facebook link. Every verified profile will have a green shield icon. We also provide trusted & secure Hotspots where you can meet


Before even trying us, here is what we have for you!


Premium Dates

Place a request in form of one night stand, drink mate, massage, friendship, fake partner, dancer. You then setup, date, time and venue & even your offer. If the feeling is mutual then you guys can meet.


The LifeStyle Ride

This feature allows you to hire or request for a ride. Note you can use this feature independently without requesting for a date.


The LifeStyle Hotspots

Book for an accommodation with us, You can do this independently, whether you request for a premium date or you just want an accommodation or a pub.


Chat Feature

We also have a chat feature which allows you to setup the appointment. Note you give you only 21 free messages per conversation if you are not subscribed or if you have not booked for an appointment.



We try by all means to make sure that The LifeStyle becomes the safest platform to meet new people by doing daily check ups, removing scammers and fake profiles



We use credits and cash (not recommended for safety reasons). You can buy credits with us using a secure payment gateway (payfast). You can also request for a payout we pay within 24 hours


Happy Users


Total Users


Dates Completed


This is how our app looks. Can't wait right?

mobile screen


Now that you have knowledge of our services. Can you try us? For iphone download the expo app, login using as username and empireDigitals1234 as password then click on The LifeStyle app.

Contact Us

Have a question? Drop us your message below

8 Pieter St, Highveld Techno Park, Centurion, 0169 Gauteng, South Africa